Barcodes & QR Codes in Tools Tracking Systems

Dynamic QR Codes For Efficient Equipment Management

Configure and generate barcodes and QR codes for your tools and equipment.

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Tools Tracking with Barcodes & QR Codes

How Does It Help with Asset Management?

Our tools tracking system monitors your equipment through barcodes and QR codes. Based on their asset tracking needs, our customers have the freedom to use either of these two options. With our Equipment Tracking System, you will be equipped with access to configure both to store relevant data.

You can fully customize the design of both the barcodes and QR codes to your liking as well as print them out through our systems. Depending on which you choose, you can control who sees the data in each code.

tools tracking with barcodes and QR codes

QR vs. Barcodes

What’s the Difference Between QR codes and Barcodes

QR Codes

  • Hold more information: QR codes can hold up to 7000 characters, much more information than barcodes can.
  • Less Secure & Highly Accessible: However, QR codes are a little less secure than barcodes are. They are highly accessible meaning that anyone can scan the code with their mobile device and view the information embedded within it.
  • More Combinations: Also, by virtue of being 2D, there are many more QR combinations available.
  • Manual Data Entry: The information embedded within the QR code must be manually entered and updated if there are any changes needed.
  • Higher Damage Resistance: Finally, QR codes can work past a higher threshold of damage meaning they have higher damage resistance


  • More Secure: Barcodes are far more secure than QR Codes and are less accessible. Only people who have access to our system can view the information embedded within the barcode.
  • Holds Less information: Barcodes hold less Information than QR codes do. Our standard barcodes can only hold up to 128 characters.
  • Lower Damage Resistance: Barcodes stop working very quickly once damaged unlike QR Codes meaning they have a lower damage resistance than QR codes.
  • Less Combinations: By virtue of our standard barcodes being 1D, they have far fewer combinations than 2D QR codes do.
  • More Dynamic: Barcodes link to a database and automatically update information in the database if there are any changes.

Barcodes and QR Code Configurations

Learn how you can efficiently manage tools and equipment with customized designs.

With our system for tracking tools and equipment, you can customize the dimensions, form, and density of both QR codes and barcodes. This lets you fit them on items that may be challenging to label.

QR codes have the advantage of holding more data compared to standard barcodes, while still allowing you to fit them on larger or smaller items. The only limitation is that while barcodes can extract data from a database, QR codes only hold unclassified information.

tools tracking barcodes and QR code configurations

What Are the Uses?

Here’s how our customers use the Barcodes and QR Code feature

Don’t Know Where It Goes?

If you’ve lost track of your tools or need to confirm where equipment should be stored, scanning the codes attached to the items will provide information on their proper location. This allows for easy return of the items to their designated spots.

When Is Maintenance Due?

You get easy access to maintenance information with this feature, such as the condition, upcoming maintenance schedule, desired maintenance frequency, and previous maintenance personnel, by simply scanning the codes.

What Is Inside This Box?

You can create a QR code or barcode for a box containing multiple tools. By simply scanning the code on the box, you can identify the various assets inside.

Pointing Girl

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